Privacy Policy takes both Privacy and Security very seriously. These products – this website and any associated iOS apps – do not save, transmit, or track any payment information. We don't save passwords, credit card information, or any other confidential financial or security information.
The logging mechanism of this website is logging originating IP address along with other anonymous HTTP request-based information, as do most other websites; we do not share this log information with anyone.
Feedback forms send an email to website administrators; user name and email are required components of the submitted feedback information. The website administrators may reply to submitted feedback via email, or included anonymized quotes within blog posts. No personally-identifiable information (PII) sent from a feedback form will ever be published on the website without explicit written consent.
This website uses the Auth0 service to securely and privately handle the sign-in process. Please see their website for more information on how they handle authentication in general, and your sign-in information specifically. If you sign in using a service like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, or Apple, those agencies do not share your password in any form with this website.
The act of signing in gives this website permission to know your name, email address, avatar image and a few other user profile pieces of information associated with the specific identity provider used to sign in. We will not contact your email address unless you have explicitly given permission by signing up for a newsletter or other type of notification service, or submitting feedback form. Any pages on this website that incorporates visitor comments will require a user to sign in with an approved identity provider first, before creating a comment entry. Comments [once implemented] will display your name and potentially any avatar image associated with your user account information, but the email address will not be rendered as part of the comment, to prevent it from being scraped by any unscrupulous entities. Submitting a comment does not imply any permission for this website to contact you via email, unless explicitly requested within the comment itself.
Personally identifiable information may be stored in the browser’s local storage while the guest is signed in; the exact pieces of information depend upon the third-party identity provider selected (Facebook, Apple, Google, etc), as part of the identity provider’s shareable “user profile” data. Passwords are never included within user profile data. User profile data is deleted from local browser storage when the guest signs out of the website. The account name, email, and potentially avatar URL may be saved by this website as part of a submitted comment; no other information is saved or tracked by the website, and nothing is shared with any other parties beyond what may be included within a submitted and rendered public comment.
The website itself does not require cookies. The only cookies that may temporarily exists on this website would be those required by the signed-in experience, as part of the third-party identity provider system leveraged. If the visitor chooses to deny the saving of cookies for this website, the only feature that wouldn't be available would be signing in, which is reqiured to post comments. No cookies therefore means no ability to post comments.
We do not show ads nor participate with any advertising systems, nor do we solicit for or save any credit card or other payment information.
Mahina iOS App
The Mahina app does not save any personal data, nor does it transmit any personal data. The app does request permission for access to the device‘s rough latitude/longitude location (somewhere within a 3km circle), and does not request an update unless the device has moved more than 80km (~50mi). This rough location information is only used on-device, and only to calculate rise and set times of celestial objects (which obviously depend upon where you are on the planet’s surface), to calculate the traditional Hawaiian Day (which depends upon the setting time of the sun), and to properly render the orientation of the moon for the decvice‘s location on the planet‘s surface. The device location is not transmitted to any party or otherwise tracked. This rough location may be temporarily saved on the device to speed up subsequent launch times and/or to save a northern/southern hemisphere flag. The app will also never show any ads.
Voice of the Mummy iOS/tvOS App
The Voice of the Mummy iOS app does not save, transmit, or track any personal information. The app will never show any ads.
Kūmole iOS App
The Kūmole iOS app does not save, transmit, or track any personal information. The app will never show any ads.
The Kūmole app makes web service requests to the web services for every word search request, but we do not send any personal data along with those requests. Please see that site’s privacy policy for more information on how they may utilize transmitted data.